Hello! We are in full summer mode over here (both weather and life wise). It has been hot hot hot in Houston the last couple of weeks; I’m a little nervous about how our summer is going to go. I foresee lots of afternoons stuck indoors hiding from the sweaty weather or lots of trips to our local pool (maybe this is the summer we pull the trigger and build a pool…. kidding). 

Sliced watermelon

Anyways, I’m sure we’ll find lots to do to keep us busy! One thing I have found with my kids, having fun activities planned out helps keep the mood light and fun; one of our favorite activities is building our own snacks! I wanted to share a couple ideas on how to build kid-friendly snacks over the summer. So here we go! 

  • Make the snack customizable. I already mentioned this, but create snacks that your kids can build or assemble themselves! Now, this might sound like a giant mess in the making, but hear me out. Pick a base, 2-3 toppings, a spread, and let them have fun! Here’s some ideas for each of these: 
    1. Base: fruit like apples or bananas, whole wheat tortillas or crackers, rice cakes, yogurt.
    2. Toppings: chopped nuts, chopped dried fruit, chocolate chips, unsweetened coconut flakes, pomegranate seeds, flax seed, chia seeds, whipped cream, or really any of your favorite add-ins work great here! 
    3. Spread: nut butters, yogurt, cottage cheese, chocolate hazelnut spread (my favorite is the Justin’s brand!), and cream cheese 
Healthy fruit smoothie
  • Embrace snack plates! Think of a charcuterie board, but for kids. Kids LOVE having choices and mixing and matching their foods together (like my toddler who likes to dip his cucumbers in ketchup). So put together a plate of snack-type foods and let your kid pick what they want to eat. Aim to include a whole grain carbohydrate like a cracker and a protein or fat on the plates. 
A photos of fresh berries
A picture of a handful of fresh berries
  • Include a dip! If I’ve learned anything from having children, it’s that kids love dipping and dunking foods… If you are wanting your kid to eat vegetables as a snack, try giving them a dip. Some of my favorites are ranch dressing, hummus, avocado dip, and tzatziki (my husband’s favorite) dip. 
  • Shoot to offer a vegetable at one snack per day. This helps with continued exposure to vegetables and helps get them closer to their daily recommended servings of vegetables.
Colorful veggies
A photo of fresh carrots, microgreens, tomatoes in bowls on a serving tray

Whew, there you go! My best mom dietitian tips to help build a kid-friendly, healthy snack. 

Now I want to hear from you! What are some of your favorite kid-friendly snack ideas? Comment below to share some snack inspiration with us all!